Author: Teresa Power

- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Song
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Original Paperback Book
- My First Yoga ABC
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids 20"x 30" Poster
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Around the World
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
- The Elephant Circus Parade Song
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Instrumental Song
- The Butterfly Song
- ABECE de Yoga para Ninos
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Learning Cards
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Book for Coloring
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Original Hardcover Book
- The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Vinyl Banner
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids Learning Cards feature 56 beautifully illustrated flashcards, each depicting a simple yoga pose and corresponding letter of the alphabet. Each flashcard contains colorful illustrations from the book, along with the corresponding letters of the alphabet and the yoga postures they represent. It's perfect for not only learning yoga, but the alphabet as well. Each pose delightfully promotes flexibility and coordination while encouraging kids to incorporate healthy activity into their daily lives.
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids is a 2020 Top Homeschool Curriculum List Winner!
"Best-selling and award-winning LA-based author and educator Teresa Anne Power brings fun into teaching by using the A, B, C's as a framework for introducing the teachings and techniques of yoga to kids. Perfect for educators and parents, this guide can be utilized repeatedly for maximum impact. In addition to the book, Power and series illustrator Kathleen Rietz also have a series of colorful and beautifully illustrated flash cards, a poster, and a coloring book so kids can be truly hands-on in their pursuit of yoga."
-- LA Yoga magazine
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"I am loving the Learning Cards. I use them in my preschool yoga classes. The illustrations are beautifully and gracefully drawn, and for those who like visuals...this is a key element. If I teach a small class, I actually take each card around so the children can see not only the animals, but the pose too! Often times, I will begin the class by saying this class will be sponsored by the letters: "R, C, and D"...The cards become part of games we can play, sounds that we make and even do partner yoga with them. Sometimes I even have the children come upfront, sit on my sheepskin and become the "teacher" demonstrate the pose. I guide them through it and they get to be the leader. It's a win-win for everyone! The favorite ones are of course down-dog, the telephone and the "do nothing" pose. That's usually a hit with the teachers most of all! Enjoy these incredible cards...I certainly do!"
-- Siri Krishna Khalsa, preschool yoga teacher